Am Dienstag, 13. November 2018, 20:40:41 CET schrieb Jesse Glick:
> On Sat, Nov 10, 2018 at 12:12 PM Martin Weber <> wrote:
> > Pipeline offers a *different* way of checking out multiple
> > SCMs. With the same branch seen in several SCMs, Pipeline only checks out
> > the branch from the *first SCM* only.
> > 
> > In contrast, Multiple SCMs Plugin checks out a branch from *each SCM* in
> > parallel.
> Daniel’s response, as well as the phrasing of the initial question,
> are mixing up two very different things: multibranch projects and
> plain projects. `multiple-scms` addresses a limitation in plain
> (freestyle) projects that you could not have multiple SCM checkouts in
> your workspace. This is trivially addressed in (plain) Pipeline
> projects simply by doing something like
> dir('first-repo') {
>   git 'http://git/first-repo'
> }
> dir('second-repo') {
>   git 'http://git/second-repo'
> }

Thanks, finally I got it working!
Just for the records; here is what I did (The documentation of resolveScm is 
not very helpful and the snippet generator does not help much here)

checkout scm
dir('client_automation/src/shared') {
checkout resolveScm( source: [$class: 'GitSCMSource',
    credentialsId: 'JenkinsGitCheckout',
    excludes: '',
    traits: [
        [$class: 'jenkins.plugins.git.traits.CloneOptionTrait', depth:
0, noTags: true, reference: '', shallow: true],
        [$class: 'jenkins.plugins.git.traits.BranchDiscoveryTrait']],
    gitTool: 'InSearchPath', id: '_',
//    ignoreOnPushNotifications: false,
    includes: '',
    targets: [BRANCH_NAME]

But one question remains: Is it possible with resolveScm to poll multiple 
repositories for changes and trigger a job?

> In other words, you may run the `checkout` step (or sugar like the
> `git` step) one time, zero times, a hundred times, with whatever

A plain `git` step does not work, it lacks the BranchDiscoveryTrait.


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