Hi all,

You may have noticed that there have been new Custom WAR Packager
<https://github.com/jenkinsci/custom-war-packager> (CWP) releases recently:
, 2.0-alpha-1
, 2.0-alpha-2
<https://github.com/jenkinsci/custom-war-packager/releases/tag/v2.0-alpha-2> .
I would like to clarify what I am doing there. If you do are not familiar
with Custom War Packager, this blogpost
<https://jenkins.io/blog/2018/10/16/custom-war-packager/> provides a good
overview. Basically Custom WAR Packager takes a YAML configuration and
builds your own image of Jenkins (WAR, Docker, Jenkinsfile Runner) with
built-in self-configuration logic.

*History...* Custom WAR Packager was introduced in April 2018, and at that
point its main purpose was to package WAR files for Jenkins ATH and Plugin
Compatibility Tester. These dev tools consume WAR files and run the Jenkins
startup, so we wanted to prepare ready-to-fly images with built-in plugin
sets and self-configuration... to rain tests against custom setups I (e.g.
when another artifact manager is preconfigured in the WAR file). Then the
story kept evolving, because we wanted to test Docker images... so we added
support of Docker packaging... Then we added Jenkinsfile Runner
<https://github.com/jenkinsci/jenkinsfile-runner> packaging support,
because it looked to be a great way to build custom Docker images for it.
To improve automated dependency management we have also added support of
pom.xml and BOM inputs. Finally we ended up with a really handy tool which
is used to build custom Jenkins distributions, the tool is also used in
Jenkins X for the Jenkinsfile Runner mode (deprecated in 2.0).

All of the changes above retained the backward compatibility of the YAML
configuration format, and, as you may guess, the tool has outgrown the
original design of the test tool. The configuration format became too
complicated and, at the same time, it is not extensible well enough (see
the buildSettings specification for example). JENKINS-55832
<https://issues.jenkins-ci.org/browse/JENKINS-55832> was a final trigger.
The change moved CWP from the Maven Plugin info provider to Jenkins update
center by default. It drastically decreased the clean build time (15
minutes => 30 seconds on my tests), but there was no way to keep CWP
compatible by default. I decided to use this opportunity and to start
working on Custom WARJenkins Packager 2.0 which will introduce a new
configuration format and better extensibility for CWP as a library.

There will be 2 release baselines for now.

*1.x.* I have started the new 1.x compatibility branch.
https://github.com/jenkinsci/custom-war-packager/tree/1.x . I will be
backporting changes there when needed by users.

*2.0-alpha*: This is a new baseline which will include new configuration
format. The baseline will stay in Alpha for months, until the new format is
established and until all major proposals are addressed. Some changes I
have in mind ATM:

   - Multiple "source" inputs, not just a single one (YAML, pom, or BOM)
   - Multiple destination settings so that WAR, Docker and JFR can be
   configured separately
   - Make WAR file and optional packaging format so that we can introduce
   features which cannot be packaged into WAR (e.g. Pipeline Libraries in the
   current state)
   - Support of "environments" so that multiple custom packages can be
   created from a single repository (e.g. separate builds for AWS or Azure)
   - Deeper integration with Configuration-as-Code Plugin, including
   conditional configurations (with use of environments or similar engine)
   - ...

Any suggestions or contributions to the new 2.0 release line will be much

Best regards,
Oleg Nenashev

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