
Thanks for comments.

I expect Jenkins provides more options for build authorization as Jenkins 
now warns users for build authorizations as Rene pointed.

Trigger restrictions look just what I expected to replace 
It's only a part of replacements of `QueueItemAuthenticator` (only 
Job.BUILD as pointed), and I want to know whether there are other 
permissions to support with the alternative of `QueueItemAuthenticator`.
As far as I know:

* Job.Build: replaced with Trigger restrictions.
* Job.Read: CopyArtifactPermissionProperty (applicable only to copyartifact)

Let me know if there are other permissions to support.

Impersonation-plugin and JENKINS-15063 both would be a great step to 
resolve issues relating to authentication and authorization.
But I'm afraid they might not resolve all issues. I believe following three 
issues exist:

* The configuration should not belong to a specific real user.
    * For example, both user A and B in the same division should be able to 
configure the job.
    * Impersonate-plugin would resolve this issue.
* Jenkins administrators may not be administrators of authentication server 
(LDAP, ActiveDirectory so on).
    * It means Jenkins administrators may not be able to add users and 
groups at their will.
    * JENKINS-15063 would allow administrators to add Jenkins-specific 
users and groups.
* Authentication mechanism to restrict users to configure build 
    * Actually it's not so easy. Authorize-project costs much to implement 


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