Hi Aytunc,

Thank you for reaching out to me. To give you some context, I took over 
this project from a GSoC project (Google Summer of Code) from a student. He 
was unable to finish the project on time, so I decided to take it over 
after GSoC to see if I can continue working on it to bring it to official 
release (1.0). Unfortunately, due to time permit and some of my personal 
reasons, I haven't had time to maintain it over the past 2 years.

However, I can still help you my question at my best:
- At first, the intend was to integrate with multiple version control 
systems as it mentioned in the description of the repo 
https://github.com/jenkinsci/simple-pull-request-job-plugin. But overtime, 
I think the target shifted toward Pipeline as YAML, which the name of the 
plugin is not reflecting what it is doing.
- As I mentioned, iiuc, this project is no longer under development by 
anybody, so if you have any idea about a new project, you can always 
proceed ahead. If you think SPPR project is useful in some ways, you can 
also consider merging 2 projects, there is no restriction for you to do 

To understand more about this project, you can watch these presentation 
videos during GSoC 2018 (can skip to SPPR plugin presentation):

cc @Martin d'Anjou <martin.danjo...@gmail.com>, who is the mentor of this 
project during GSoC 2018. I think Martin can give you some insights on the 
Let us know if you have any further questions.

Vu Tuan

On Wednesday, February 19, 2020 at 4:54:07 AM UTC+8, Aytunc Beken wrote:
> Hi Oleg, 
> Nice to meet you Vu Tuan. 
> I have some doubts, may be you can help me understand things.
> - Why the name of the plugin is different ? Also It says it is about pull 
> requests from various version controls. If this plugin will continue 
> focusing on both, It will be good to separate them.
> - I was planing to use ModelASTPipelineDef 
> (org.jenkinsci.plugins.pipeline.modeldefinition.ast) for converting Yaml to 
> Jenkins and vice versa. As this is internal model of Declarative pipeline, 
> It will be easy to maintain.
> I will be glad if I can get your ideas/comment about these.
> Thanks. Regards

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