Hi all,

The recording will be here: https://youtu.be/SXActpToiYU . Meeting 

At this meeting we discussed the recent news and Jenkins releases. Then we 
discussed the 2020 elections status, search on jenkins.io, and the 
Kubernetes Operator open governance proposal status. There is no major 
decisions to report. 

Best regards,
Oleg Nenashev
On Wednesday, November 4, 2020 at 6:39:41 PM UTC+1 Oleg Nenashev wrote:

> Hi all,
> In 20 minutes we will have a regular governance meeting. Everyone is 
> welcome to participate. As usual, the meeting will happen in Zoom: 
> https://zoom.us/j/91564716663?pwd=R3A2RDFGcU1wTVdoVTErYm1jNzVWdz09
> Today's agenda:
>    - News!
>    - Jenkins elections status update (Oleg
>    - Epipheo Video (Mark)
>    - Trademark page updates (Oleg)
> Please feel free to propose any additional topics in this Google Doc 
> <https://docs.google.com/document/d/11Nr8QpqYgBiZjORplL_3Zkwys2qK1vEvK-NYyYa4rzg/edit?ts=5fa2df72#heading=h.v4sls9rnbtoa>
> .
> Best regards,
> Oleg Nenashev

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