[Cross posted on jenkins-dev and jenkins-infra]

Hello dear community,

During the last Jenkins infrastructure weekly meeting (2021-05-25 - Notes -with 
recording link: https://hackmd.io/sBywc0IfRraU93aNETVwkw 
<https://hackmd.io/sBywc0IfRraU93aNETVwkw>), Victor Martinez and Iván Fernández 
from Elastic did a demonstration of the opentelemetry plugin used with an 
Elastic APM platform.
The goal was to demonstrate how the build metrics could be used with 
distributed tracing: please check the notes, video and 
<https://plugins.jenkins.io/opentelemetry/> for more details.

Victor and Ivan's employer, Elastic Inc. is proposing to sponsor the Jenkins 
project by providing an APM instance that could be used along with 
opentelemetry plugin, and a bit support to get it configured and maintained.
Their interest is to study what are our (Jenkins community) usages (and 
obviously mentioning that we are using it).

The proposal from the Infrastructure team is to provide this service for the 2 
following use cases:
For users of ci.jenkins.io (core and plugins contributors) to get build metrics 
and traces of their projects. It could help a lot for performances tracking, 
and much more as "Jenkins Pipeline level metrics"
For infrastructure maintainers of ci.jenkins.io to track the agents allocations 
and their errors, to improve the QoS of the build farm, as the pure 
infrastructure metrics is not enough because issues come from different areas 
(infra, Cloud providers, Jenkins configuration, Pipeline usages, etc.)

It could be a great opportunity for whoever interested in better understanding 
Jenkins behavior. As we'll try to identify typical use cases that we want to 
better understand and then build dashboards using metric.
The challenge we face on the Jenkins infrastructure is that it's pretty easy to 
know if Jenkins is running. But not so much if it's working in an efficient way.

The plan would be the following:
Start by a PoC on a private Jenkins instance  (e.g. infra.ci.jenkins.io)
Install the plugin
Check APM instance access with Elastic
Configure the plugin to point to the APM
Bring back the conclusion to the community (by email here, blog post, meetup, 
Once the configuration is straightforward, deploying to ci.jenkins.io, 
targeting as much publicly available dashboards and data as possible, as 
service for the ci.jenkins.io users.
What do you think about this topic, what would be your thoughts or red flags?


For the Infra. team,

PS: by default, without any blocker or red flags, we (the infra.team) will 
proceed with the infra.ci setup described in this email the 1st of June.

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