Hi I need develop a jenkins plugin.
I am confused about the system setup for this goal.
I am follow this link: 
to try to setup the development environment.
But I have the follow question:
1, Is it the right instruction I can follow?
2, My current jenkins version is 2.249.1 (finally my plugin will run on 
this jenkins) So 
2.1, Which JDK is good for this pulgin development, JDK 8 or JDK 11?
2.2,  I want to use Eclipse. Which Eclipse can I install,  M2Eclipse 
<https://www.eclipse.org/m2e/> (m2e) or Maven Eclipse plugin 
    When I try to use Maven Eclipse plugin 
<http://maven.apache.org/plugins/maven-eclipse-plugin/>, looks it retired. 
So I think I need install M2Eclipse <https://www.eclipse.org/m2e/> (m2e). 
Am I right?
2.3, Do I need install Maven also?
3, Do I need install jenkins on local maching for developing testing?
4, Develop this on Windows is better or on Ubuntu machine is better?

Thank you.

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