Iirc configuration-as-code plugin blew up when core no longer shipped the 
spotbugs annotations.

The plugin pom probably needs to remove a lot of cruft that makes it work 
with older release now.

The spotbugs annotations are source retention not runtime so unclear if 
that could cause tools issues.
The BOM may well be to align transitive versions from dependencies so that 
upper bounds does not kill us 
Rather than anything else 

AccessModifier could iiuc be not shipped in the war as that is compile time 
processing in plugins.
On Wednesday, 15 December 2021 at 19:41:31 UTC Jesse Glick wrote:

> On Tue, Dec 14, 2021 at 11:12 PM Basil Crow <m...@basilcrow.com> wrote:
>> 1) … stop shipping the JARs in core
> This could cause issues. Though class loaders are OK just ignoring 
> unloadable annotations, some tools which work with bytecode and reflective 
> APIs can encounter errors. Safest to have the annotation present, and 
> resolvable in the core/plugin class loader hierarchy, like any other 
> dependency.
> without scope=provided
> Not good, because then the plugin would *bundle* the annotation JAR, 
> which we do not want.
> 2) … This means plugins would get the versions corresponding to their core 
>> baseline.
> Seems simplest and safest to me, and also ensures that the meaning of 
> annotations is consistent when applied to plugin references to core APIs.

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