Hi all,

I will have to skip today's meeting. I barely slept last night, and I am 
not very productive. 
I do not have major updates from my side.

   -  Still waiting for green light from the Linux Foundation to enable 
   EasyCLA for Jenkins
   - CDF has not yet been accepted to the Inclusive Naming Initiative. Had 
   a chat with two INI directors on Monday w.r.t this topic
   - I will be doing a talk about my vision for Jenkins at FOSDEM. My plan 
   to share it with the community by Friday so that everyone will be able to 
   review/comment. The talk will be still delivered with disclaimer that it is 
   my personal opinion, because it goes against the Jenkins vision of some 
   company members. I do not want to build consensus for my individual talk, 
   and hence the disclaimers. For any roadmap updates and actual changes in 
   Jenkins, of course we will need to build consensus

Best regards,
Oleg Nenashev

On Wednesday, January 12, 2022 at 8:45:57 PM UTC+1 Mark Waite wrote:

> Today's governance meeting will start at 9:00 PM UTC.  Agenda items 
> include:
>    - 
>    News
>    - 
>       Jenkins 2.319.1 LTS 
>       <https://www.jenkins.io/changelog-stable/#v2.319.2> security 
>       released today
>       - 
>       Jenkins 2.330 weekly <https://www.jenkins.io/changelog/#v2.330> 
>       security released today
>       - 
>    End of year blog post draft
>    - 
>       Working copy 
>       <https://github.com/MarkEWaite/jenkins.io/commits/2022-happy-new-year> 
>       under development by Mark Waite
>       - 
>    Administrative access - Oleg Nenashev
>    - 
>       Oleg is still listed as a manager for the CloudBees CLA at Linux 
>       Foundation
>       - 
>          Mark check with Linux Foundation on how to update CLA manager 
>          (not done yet)
>          - 
>    Google Summer of Code
>    - 
>       Alyssa Tong and Jean-Marc Meessen leading the effort
>       - 
>    She Code Africa Contributhon
>    - 
>       Planning has started
>       - 
>          Discussions in Docs Office Hours
>          - 
>          Future discussions on community.jenkins.io 
>          - 
>       Planned for April / May this year rather than March/April
>       - 
>    Highlights from the mailing lists and community forum
>    - 
>       Java 8 end of life JEP needed - Mark Waite plans to write it
>       - 
>       UI modernization continues (thanks Jan Faracik and Tim Jacomb!)

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