On Tue, Aug 9, 2022 at 2:46 AM 'wfoll...@cloudbees.com' via Jenkins
Developers <jenkinsci-dev@googlegroups.com> wrote:
> I think it's the key point about the complaints again Prettier, it's a
> opinionated, meaning that it's not about our subjectivity, but reusing the
> one from its author. There is no truth about what must be done or not
> this kind of style, hence the desire to have this discussion, to find a
> consensus about the "community subjectivity" instead of relying on someone
> else['s] opinion.

Please read my previous post about this topic
<https://groups.google.com/g/jenkinsci-dev/c/zUewd9LL5-g/m/ep-syqtgAgAJ> if
you have not already. Ceding control of some subjective preferences to an
opinionated tool with few (if any) configuration options can be
uncomfortable at first, but in my experience the benefits outweigh the
disadvantages in the long term. These benefits include never having to deal
with a PR that includes a mix of formatting and logic changes (faster code
reviews), being able to write code more quickly without having to make
formatting decisions, and being able to read code more easily when it is
all written in a consistent style.

I have implemented automatic formatting in large organizations many times
in my career, and in all cases people complained a little at first but then
grew to like it. I myself disliked some of the opinions of the authors of
the tools I was putting in place, but putting my own advice into practice I
decided to set aside my own opinions for the sake of group cohesion and the
benefits described above.

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