The Jenkins elections have completed.   Thanks to Gavin Mogan and Ewelina 
Wilkosz for their two years of service on the board.  Thanks to Ulli Hafner 
and Alex Brandes for accepting the nominations as new members of the 
board.  They begin their service on the board December 3, 2022.

I've submitted a pull request 
<> proposing a 
revision to the board membership rules for next year's election (November 
2023).  The proposal has been discussed in Jenkins board meetings.  I was 
asked to solicit opinions and encourage discussion in the larger community 
of Jenkins developers before a final decision by the board.

The proposal is:

*Allow up to 2 elected board members from a single company*

Governance board needs members that are actively involved in the Jenkins 
project. By specifically allowing up to 2 elected board members from a 
single company, we do not create a majority of elected members of the board 
from a single company.

The issue comes because the board has declared previously that Kohsuke is 
affiliated with CloudBees. His permanent membership on the board and his 
affiliation with CloudBees means that only one other person from CloudBees 
can serve on the board. The board needs more active participants to assist 
with the work of the board. Allowing 1 more board member from CloudBees or 
any other company that already has a member on the board will strengthen 
the board and its work to serve the Jenkins project.

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