The Jenkins governance board meets at 6:00 PM UTC today.  Zoom URL is 


   Claim from BMC to GitHub Trust and Safety (update center PR 692 
      Claim rescinded, plugin distribution restored, special thanks to 
      Daniel Beck
      Jenkins 2.387.2 and 2.398 release this week
      PGP repository signing key expired March 30, 2023 for deb and rpm 
      packages, new key for 2.397 and 2.387.2
         Announced in

   Jenkins blog <> including its RSS feed 
   Jenkins LinkedIn account 
   Jenkins twitter account <>
   Jenkins weekly changelog <> and its RSS 
   feed <>
   Top level Jenkins page <> has a rotating 
   announcement that links to the blog post
   Gitter chat channel 

   Action Items
      EasyCLA to be documented by Oleg
         No progress, no requests pending, pick it up if there are CLA 
      Mark Waite submit pull request to combine subprojects and 
      SIGs into a single concept - “working groups”
         No progress, Mark to complete
         Roadmap update pull requests, make it current for April 12 CDF TOC 
      Retire the Chinese Jenkins site
         Chinese site link removed from header
         Rick recommends that we redirect the chinese pages to English 
         Kevin Martens (Docs Officer) tracking help desk ticket 
         <> to replace 
         the Chinese pages with redirects to the English pages
            Need a redirect from to 
      Mark Waite and Gavin “halkeye” Mogan archive the governance meeting 
      notes to a GitHub repository, use the Google doc as the working document, 
      then publish final notes
         Gavin has prepared the archive, need a destination repository
         Alexander Brandes has something in mind on how to structure things.
         Infra team raised about the repository location as a question
         Oleg prefers jenkinsci rather than jenkins-infra for a governance 
         repository (this is not about the archive repository!)
            Mark check the infra team preference, discuss if not jenkinsci 
   CDF topics
      Digicert code signing certificate renewal in progress
         Proposed to stop building Jenkins MSI installer until new code 
         signing certificate is available and configured
            Mark Waite sent note to Jenkins officers today with the proposal
            PR-356 <> in 
            the release repository
            PR-384 <> in the 
            packaging repository
      Jenkins project presentation to the CDF Technical Oversight Committee 
      April 12, 2023
         Mark Waite prepare and present Jenkins status report
            Mark create presentation, share it with this group, invite 
            comments, corrections
            Last TOC confirmed that they are OK with a project review that 
            looks at participation in addition to technical topics
      LFX Tools working group starting based on last CDF TOC meeting
         Noted that 
         will eventually be replaced by LFX Insights
         Mailing list <> 
         for discussions
         GitHub repository 
         <> for meeting 
         notes and more
   Community activity
      Artifactory bandwidth reduction project 
         Artifactory seeking to ban one IP address ( hosted 
         at Alibaba
            See public abuse report 
            <> for more details
         Artifact caching proxy 
         has reduced Jenkins project artifact bandwidth use
      Google Summer of Code 2023
         25+ draft proposals submitted for review by potential mentors
         April 4, 2023 is submission deadline for contributor proposals

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