On Tue, Apr 9, 2024 at 9:34 PM Basil Crow <m...@basilcrow.com> wrote:

> Daniel, I am not aware of any such examples.

Thanks for that confirmation.

At this point I'm not entirely convinced JENKINS-69361 is real, and unless
you know more than is present in Jira, we don't understand it well enough
to act on it. Trying to reproduce it by manually dropping instance-identity
113 and bouncycastle-api 2.26 in an otherwise 2.346.x Jenkins home
(reproduction instructions are unclear how this would otherwise work given
its core dependency) and starting 2.361.1, it gets appropriately ignored by
entering the first block and passing the version comparison:
PluginManager#loadDetachedPlugins: Upgraded Jenkins from version 2.346.2 to
version 2.361.1-SNAPSHOT. Loaded detached plugins (and dependencies): []

While updating to a newer Jenkins results in bundled plugins being updated
to the bundled releases if what's installed is older, it's possible to
downgrade plugins afterwards and have that remain, as long as the core
version doesn't change (not entering
That manual downgrade would need to happen on every bundled version bump
though, which given the regularity of plugin releases would be practically
every LTS bump (not to mention the lack of support for downgrading
configuration). It used to be possible for users to "pin" versions of
plugins, but that was dropped in or around 2.0 when we no longer installed
bundled plugins by default, making it basically an offline fallback only
(resulting in the current policy IIRC).
https://groups.google.com/g/jenkinsci-dev/c/kRobm-cxFw8/m/6V66uhibAwAJ and
related messages may shed some light on how we got here. OTOH you've
applied the pre-emptive updates for a while, as you wrote, and I'm not
aware of many (or any) complaints about being forced to update plugins.

At this point, neither the reasons to implement the policy change nor the
reason not to are very convincing to me. Wearing my security hat I'd prefer
updating everything all the time. As an admin I'd be more hesitant, but for
the rare cases a bundled plugin release causes problems, the existing
ability to downgrade (and wait for maintainers to fix whatever is the
blocker) seems like it might be just enough to move forward with this. I
guess this amounts to +0.5.

Re the test -- I'd skip it for future automatic PRs. When we only updated
bundled dependencies to address security vulnerabilities, we needed a way
to ensure any such PR was complete, as nothing else would increase these
versions until the next PR updating bundled plugins due to vulnerabilities.

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