Using SVN, standard plugin. Using only matrix and freestyle jobs. Previously both were disappearing like crazy. Recently matrix jobs seems to become more stable. Freestyle jobs still have problems. Perhaps makes to note that jobs are not standalone: both matrix and freestyle jobs trigger each other (build other builds) heavily.

Installed plugins (env injector is disabled):
Jenkins Mailer Plugin 1.4
External Monitor Job Type Plugin 1.1
LDAP Plugin 1.2
pam-auth 1.0
Javadoc Plugin 1.1
Token Macro Plugin
This plug-in adds reusable macro expansion capability for other plug-ins to use. 1.6
Maven 2 Project Plugin 1.505
Jenkins Subversion Plug-in 1.45
Ant Plugin 1.2
Jenkins CVS Plug-in
Integrates Jenkins with CVS version control system using a modified version of the Netbeans cvsclient. 2.8
Dump Info BuildWrapper Plugin
The Dump Info BuildWrapper Plugin allows jobs to automatically dump some important Hudson-specific information into the job log. 1.1
Hudson platformlabeler plugin
Assigns labels on nodes automatically based on the computer operating system. 1.1
Tracking SVN Plugin 1.1
Priority Sorter
This plugin allows for the build queue to be sorted based on pre-assigned priorities for each job. 1.3
Jenkins Translation Assistance plugin 1.10
Static Analysis Utilities
This plug-in provides utilities for the static code analysis plug-ins.
If you like this open source plug-in please consider supporting my work by buying my Android game Inca Trails. 1.49
Task Scanner Plugin
This plug-in scans for open tasks in a specified set of files in the project modules and visualizes the results.
If you like this open source plug-in please consider supporting my work by buying my Android game Inca Trails. 4.35
Disk Usage Plugin
This plugin counts disk usage. 0.18
SSH Slaves plugin 0.22
FindBugs Plug-in
This plug-in collects the FindBugs analysis results of the project modules and visualizes the found warnings.
If you like this open source plug-in please consider supporting my work by buying my Android game Inca Trails. 4.48
Checkstyle Plug-in
This plug-in collects the Checkstyle analysis results of the project modules and visualizes the found warnings.
If you like this open source plug-in please consider supporting my work by buying my Android game Inca Trails. 3.35
Git Client Plugin 1.0.3
Git Plugin
This plugin integrates GIT with Jenkins. 1.2.0
View Job Filters
Create smart views with exactly the jobs you want. Your smart views can automatically include or exclude jobs by using things like the SCM path or type, the job type, build statuses or trends or triggers, relevance to the logged-in user, email recipients, Maven configuration, job parameterization, and user permissions. Mix and match filters to narrow down to exactly what you want. 1.22
Warnings Plug-in
This plug-in collects the compiler warnings of the project modules and visualizes the results.
If you like this open source plug-in please consider supporting my work by buying my Android game Inca Trails. 4.23
PMD Plug-in
This plug-in collects the PMD analysis results of the project modules and visualizes the found warnings.
If you like this open source plug-in please consider supporting my work by buying my Android game Inca Trails. 3.34
Copy Artifact Plugin
Adds a build step to copy artifacts from another project. 1.25
Downstream build view
This plug-in allows you to view the full status all the downstream builds so that we can graphically see that everything for this build has been completed successfully. 1.8
Hudson Blame Subversion Plug-in 1.200
Groovy Postbuild
Groovy postbuild task. 1.8
This plugin is a sample to explain how to write a Jenkins plugin. 0.3
Duplicate Code Scanner Plug-in
This plug-in collects the duplicate code analysis results of the project modules and visualizes the found warnings. Supported duplicate code analysis tools:
• PMD's Copy Paste Detector (CPD)
• Simian
If you like this open source plug-in please consider supporting my work by buying my Android game Inca Trails. 2.34
Static Analysis Collector Plug-in
This plug-in is an add-on for the plug-ins Checkstyle, Dry, FindBugs, PMD, Tasks, and Warnings: the plug-in collects the different analysis results and shows the results in a combined trend graph. Additionally, the plug-in provides health reporting and build stability based on these combined results.
If you like this open source plug-in please consider supporting my work by buying my Android game Inca Trails. 1.35
Slave Prerequisites plugin
Run a script on slave node before starting job on it to check some prerequisites. 1.0
Matrix Tie Parent plugin 1.1
Jenkins Maven Invoker plugin 1.2
M2 Repository Cleanup Plugin
This plugin allows you to configure a maven2 job to clean some or all of the artifacts from the repository before it runs. 1.0
Jenkins Multijob plugin
This plugin is a MultiJob plugin. 1.8
Jenkins Maven Release Plug-in Plug-in
A plug-in that enables you to perform releases using the maven-release-plugin from Hudson. 0.9.1
Config File Provider Plugin
Ability to provide configuration files (e.g. settings.xml for maven, XML, groovy, custom files,...) loaded trough the UI which will be copy to the job workspace. 2.4
Run Condition Plugin 0.10
A buildstep wrapping any number of other buildsteps, controlling there execution based on a defined condition (e.g. BuildParameter). 1.2.1
Copy data to workspace plugin
This plugin copies data to workspace directory before each build. After build data will be deleted. 1.0
Tool Environment plugin
Lets you use "tools" in unusual ways, such as from shell scripts. 1.0
Copy To Slave Plugin
This plugin allows copying files located somewhere on the master node into the jobs' workspaces, whether their builds take place on the master node or on slave nodes. 1.4
Async Http Client
This plugin provides a shared dependency on the async-http-client library so that other plugins can co-operate when using this library. 1.7.8
Maven Deployment Linker 1.5
Build Pipeline Plugin
This plugin renders upstream and downstream connected jobs that typically form a build pipeline. In addition, it offers the ability to define manual triggers for jobs that require intervention prior to execution, e.g. an approval process outside of Jenkins. 1.3.3
This plugin provides extended options for triggering downstream projects. 1.8
Matrix Reloaded Plugin
The Matrix Reloaded plugin. Used for rebuilding a subset of a matrix' configurations, reusing the rest. 1.1.0
Environment Injector Plugin
This plugin makes it possible to set an environment for the builds. 1.83
Jenkins Maven Repository Server Plugin 0.11
Hudson Groovy builder
This plugin executes Groovy code. 1.13
All changes plugin
This plugin shows all changes (also from dependent projects, sub-projects, ...) for a project 1.3
Pending Changes plugin
This plugin adds a view of all changes in the scm after the last build 0.3.0
Changes since last successfull build Plugin
Generate changelog for a range of jenkins builds. 0.5

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