
What browser do you use to access Jenkins: there are some knowns
issues with IE that does not handle properly some javascript in
Jenkins pages.

Try with Firefox and let us know.



On Feb 10, 9:58 am, Dünnebeil Gerhard <gerhard.duenneb...@ait.ac.at>
> Hello,
> I tried to add a new "free-style software project" to our Jenkins these days 
> and ran into problems.
> I was able to create the new job but I am NOT able to add any build step.
> This behaviour is reproducible and it occurs when I try to do it from the 
> initial "configure" page I get after job creation  as well as with a later 
> configure attempt.
> It does not depend on whether I am logged in or not.
> The problem is that when I open the "add build step" I get a selection of 
> possible job types ("shell script", "windows batch", ...) but when I select 
> one of those nothing more happens.
> I also have other jobs of this type already up and running and I am also not 
> able to add more build steps to those.
> My question is:
> Is this wrong usage from my side?
> Or a known bug? If yes, is there any workaround?
> What can I do to help solving this issue?
> Some information on the system:
> I use Jenkins build 1.450
> On Ubuntu 11.100
> Best regards
> Gerhard Dünnebeil

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