This is partially what the jenkins maven repository plugin [1] was built
for -- each build is exposed as a separate build repository, so you don't
need to go copying things around.

What we do is :

1) Install the plugin
2) Add the following to the jenkins settings.xml  [2]:
3) In the downstream project, add "-Pupstream" into the maven settings
4) Check the 'Define upstream maven repository' checkbox (build
environment), and set the upstream build that you want to add as a build

There is a bug to do with snapshot IDs in the current version - there is a
patch that is in master, but I haven't had a chance to roll a release with
it yet. I'd use 0.6.1 until it's fixed if you rely on SNAPSHOT artifacts..





On Thu, Feb 16, 2012 at 1:44 AM, R. Tyler Croy <> wrote:

> On Wed, 15 Feb 2012, Jeff wrote:
> > I'm trying to implement Jenkins with Maven as the build CI/CD tool since
> it
> > does so well with the technologies we are using out of the box instead of
> > GO that the larger .NET-based organization is  using.
> >
> > I've done Jenkins jobs for stand-alone projects but not jobs chained from
> > dependent projects.
> >
> > Conceptually, I can see how dependent jobs are configured using the build
> > pipeline plugin (though we only have one project so far).  What is
> unclear
> > is how downstream jobs are configured to consume the
> > artifacts and/or outputs produced upstream.
> Plugins to check out:
>  * Join plugin
>  * Copy Artifacts plugin
> Those might meet your needs, I use them both heavily to create longish
> pipelines.
> - R. Tyler Croy
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