You need to set the pattern to



On 02/21/2012 04:28 PM, Lewis, Eric wrote:
> Here's my configuration (the version is defined in pluginManagement):
>           <plugin>
>             <groupId>org.codehaus.mojo</groupId>
>             <artifactId>findbugs-maven-plugin</artifactId>
>             <executions>
>               <execution>
>                 <phase>package</phase>
>                 <goals>
>                   <goal>findbugs</goal>
>                 </goals>
>               </execution>
>             </executions>
>             <configuration>
>               <xmlOutput>true</xmlOutput>
>               <effort>Max</effort>
> <excludeFilterFile>${build.home}findbugs/findbugs-exclude.xml</excludeFilterFile>
>               <failOnError>false</failOnError>
>               <sourceEncoding>${file.encoding}</sourceEncoding>
>             </configuration>
>           </plugin>
> As for the configuration you mention, according to 
> findbugsXmlOutput is deprecated and defaults to true
> findbugsXmlWithMessages doesn't exist
> The files I have in my target directory are:
> findbugs.xml
> findbugs-exclude.xml
> findbugsXml.xml
> Best regards,
> Eric
> -----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
> Von: 
> [] Im Auftrag von Ullrich Hafner
> Gesendet: Dienstag, 21. Februar 2012 16:16
> An:
> Betreff: Re: Findbugs Plugin doesn't find report
> Seems that the report is found, but the warnings are not reported...
> [FINDBUGS] Successfully parsed file 
> /ige/jenkins/work/jobs/base/workspace/base-impl/target/findbugs.xml of module 
> Implementation of Base Services with 0 warnings.
> What looks suspicious is the filename, did you use the following options?
>       <findbugsXmlOutput>true</findbugsXmlOutput>
>       <findbugsXmlWithMessages>true</findbugsXmlWithMessages>
>       <xmlOutput>true</xmlOutput>
> Normally the filename is findbugsXml.xml when used with maven...
> Ulli
> On 02/21/2012 03:53 PM, Lewis, Eric wrote:
>> Hi
>> I'm migrating our old build to the latest and greatest of everything, 
>> including Maven 3.0.4, the latest Maven plugins (Findbugs 2.4.0), Jenkins 
>> 1.451 and Jenkins Findbugs plugin 4.33
>> Now, while the Checkstyle and PMD reports are found, the Jenkins Findbugs 
>> plugin doesn't see its report.
>> Here's my log:
>> [INFO] --- findbugs-maven-plugin:2.4.0:findbugs (default) @ base-impl ---
>> [INFO] Fork Value is true
>>      [java] Warnings generated: 4
>> [INFO] Done FindBugs Analysis....
>> [FINDBUGS] Parsing 1 files in 
>> /ige/jenkins/work/jobs/base/workspace/base-impl/target
>> [FINDBUGS] Successfully parsed file 
>> /ige/jenkins/work/jobs/base/workspace/base-impl/target/findbugs.xml of 
>> module Implementation of Base Services with 0 warnings.
>> [FINDBUGS] Ignore new warnings since this is the first valid build
>> [FINDBUGS] Not changing build status, since no threshold has been exceeded
>> [FINDBUGS] Computing warning deltas based on reference build #2
>> The findbugs.xml looks like this:
>> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
>> <BugCollection version='2.0.0' threshold='medium' effort='max'><file 
>> classname='ch.ipi.esv.base.impl.mgmt.MgmtServiceBean$RunTestsCallable'><BugInstance
>>  type='SIC_INNER_SHOULD_BE_STATIC' priority='Normal' category='PERFORMANCE' 
>> message='Should ch.ipi.esv.base.impl.mgmt.MgmtServiceBean$RunTestsCallable 
>> be a _static_ inner class?' lineNumber='1'/></file><file 
>> classname='ch.ipi.esv.base.impl.mgmt.jmx.MailManagementService$SendTestMailCall'><BugInstance
>>  type='DM_DEFAULT_ENCODING' priority='High' category='I18N' message='Found 
>> reliance on default encoding in 
>> ch.ipi.esv.base.impl.mgmt.jmx.MailManagementService$ 
>> new' lineNumber='149'/><BugInstance 
>> type='DM_DEFAULT_ENCODING' priority='High' category='I18N' message='Found 
>> reliance on default encoding in 
>> ch.ipi.esv.base.impl.mgmt.jmx.MailManagementService$ 
>> new' lineNumber='155'/></file><file 
>> classname='ch.ipi.esv.base.persistence.api.entity.BaseClass'><BugInstance 
>> type='EQ_UNUSUAL' priority='Normal' category='STYLE' 
>> message='ch.ipi.esv.base.persistence.api.entity.BaseClass.equals(Object) is 
>> unusual' 
>> lineNumber='50'/></file><Error></Error><Project><SrcDir>/ige/jenkins/work/jobs/base/workspace/base-impl/src/main/java</SrcDir><SrcDir>/ige/jenkins/work/jobs/base/workspace/base-impl/src/main/aspect</SrcDir><SrcDir>/ige/jenkins/work/jobs/base/workspace/base-impl/src/main/aspect</SrcDir><SrcDir>/ige/jenkins/work/jobs/base/workspace/base-impl/src/test/java</SrcDir><SrcDir>/ige/jenkins/work/jobs/base/workspace/base-impl/src/test/aspect</SrcDir><SrcDir>/ige/jenkins/work/jobs/base/workspace/base-impl/src/test/aspect</SrcDir></Project></BugCollection>
>> What am I doing wrong?
>> Best regards,
>> Eric

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