Can EnvInject plugin inject enviroment variables defined in .properties file from a URL? I tried but it did not work. Have i missed something obvious?

Our particular use case is that we need to inject some mail address lists as environment variables to be used by Email-ext plugin, and it would be very handy if we can just inject those variables directly from a http server (or our anonymous SVN in this particular case). Meanwhile I add a shell script to download the .properties file and then use EnvInject to inject them.

Furthermore, the variables are actually "global", it would be great if we do not need to inject them in every job, but globally in Jenkins. I noticed that in Jenkins configure screen, there is a "Prepare jobs environment" section (provided by EnvInject?), it seems that one can inject viarables from a file with absolute path. But have some concerns: a) this injection is rather "static", as the help stated "You must restart the node (master/slave) for the consideration of this property", that means the variables cannot be changed on the fly (I did not get a chance to test this, so I might be wrong); b) I am not sure if this injection is transparent in a master-slave setting.

Any suggestion is appreciated.

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