
Suppose we have a git repository that contains these subdirectories:
* common
* module_a
* module_b

Both module_a and module_b use code in common.

We have two jobs:
* job_a builds and tests module_a,
* job_b builds and tests module_b.

With the git plugin, you can configure both jobs to be triggered by
any change in the repository. But then, job_a will be also triggered
by changes in module_b - and job_b will also be triggered by changes
in module_a. We want to avoid such unnecessary triggers.

In other words, we would want to configure the jobs as follows:
* job_a is only triggered by changes in common and module_a,
* job_b is only triggered by changes in common and module_b.

There must be a way to do this with the git plugin, but I am unable to
find it.

Git submodules are not an option here, because we are not prepared to
pay for the extra complexity that they incur.

Any help?

-- dave

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