On 24/03/2012 00:48, Slide wrote:
I use something like this in my groovy template

// the goal is to find the top level job which should contain the changelist
def upstreamBuild = null
def cause = build.causes.find {
     if(it instanceof hudson.model.Cause.UpstreamCause) {
         return true
     return false

while(cause != null) {
     upstreamBuild =
     cause = upstreamBuild.causes.find {
         return (it instanceof hudson.model.Cause.UpstreamCause);

Then I check if upstreamBuild is null or not, and if its not, I have
access to its information like this:

def changeSet = upstreamBuild.changeSet

And you can get the info you are looking for from there.

Wow, cool, I'm afraid I'm a bit clueless though...

Where do I put the code you've written above? File on disk or box in UI?
(it either case, where and called what?)

Once I've done that, how do I wire it into the email-ext template?



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