Hi Richard,

Generally speaking, you should never check-in results of tools produced 
elsewhere for use on Jenkins. You should rather implement those tools on 
your Jenkins server, run them there to obtain the results that you need in 
further steps of your Jenkins jobs.



Le jeudi 29 mars 2012 09:21:28 UTC+2, Richard Berger a écrit :
> OK, I think I figured it out... the key was that in the Advanced 
> settings for the "Invoke Ant" task, for the "Build File" I had put the 
> path to my eclipsestuff/workspace/project/build.xml - so all the 
> references inside that build.xml where being interpreted as relative 
> to "eclipsestuff". 
> Realizing that my build.xml will also exist in the Jenkins workspace, 
> I can specify THAT build.xml in the build file line.  I am running 
> into some other problems so I haven't fully verified this works.  But 
> it *feels* more correct. 
> Thanks for listening... (and if anyone can confirm that this the right 
> approach that would be much appreciated - on the other hand, if I am 
> totally lost, feel free to let me wander aimlessly for a 
> while :) :) ). 
> RB 
> On Mar 28, 11:58 pm, Richard Berger <richardlan...@gmail.com> wrote: 
> > I am playing with Jenkins (which seems really cool) and have a 
> > question on coordinating Post-build actions, for example "Publish 
> > FindBugs analysis results". 
> > 
> > I started this project in Eclipse and the code resides in the 
> > directory eclipsestuff/workspace/project (not the real name).  The 
> > code is also checked into SVN.  When I update a file, this correctly 
> > triggers a build.  In my build.xml file there is the FindBugs task, 
> > which creates an output file of "output.xml".  From within Eclipse, it 
> > all works fine. 
> > 
> > Now, when I set up the project in Jenkins, I have to enter something 
> > for the "FindBugs results" file.  And, more specifically, that file 
> > name has to be in my "Jenkins workspace", which is pulled from SVN (or 
> > at least I couldn't find a way to specify a path to eclipsestuff/ 
> > workspace/project/output.xml).  So I think that my output.xml results 
> > need to get checked into SVN so that Jenkins can then pull them back 
> > out to do the FindBugs analysis.  But that doesn't seem right either. 
> > 
> > I "solved" this by having the ant task (inside my build.xml) create 
> > the output.xml in trunk/Project/output.xml.  But that seems somehow 
> > wrong. 
> > 
> > Before I apply this "solution" to checkstyle and Junit, I thought I 
> > should check in and get some advice.  I have a feeling I am missing 
> > something very obvious.  (My question seems a little similar tohttp://
> groups.google.com/group/jenkinsci-users/browse_thread/thread/b..., 
> > but even simpler). 
> > 
> > Thanks!!! 
> > RB

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