2012/4/6 Les Mikesell <lesmikes...@gmail.com>:
> No, he is saying that after jobs have been run, subsequent runs will
> queue waiting for the node that did the previous build instead of
> migrating to an available node even if it is a long wait.   I think if
> that node is down or disconnected, the job would go to a different one
> immediately, but if it is just busy the job stays in the queue for it
> no matter how deep the queue gets.   In the case of a big source
> checkout with a small update, it might be worth the wait but I don't
> know if there is any way to control the behavior when that's not the
> case.

Odd, I have never seen that behavior. Even for Jenkins instances where
I have multiple executors for slaves, I have never seen builds hang in
the queue if there is a free executor on a slave they can run on.

According to my understanding Jenkins will prefer to run a build on a
slave that already has the sources for the build checked out, but if
such an executor on such a slave is not free, it should not keep the
build in the queue if it can immediately use another slave.

-- Sami

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