Check --http-user option on wget man page.

-- Sami

2012/4/4 Fredrik Claesson <>:
> I have setup my Jenkins with AD-auth and have now gotten the SVN hook script
> to work. But I have the same problem as in this thread that my "wget" does
> not logon to Jenkins and I have to grant the anonymous user read access to
> the project for it to be able to pick up changes.
> Is there a way to get wget to login to Jenkins when the hook script is run.
> I am running Jenkins under Windows in the winstone container.
> I am consider following the advice in another thread to setup an IIS as a
> proxy in front of Jenkins and "Delegate to servlet contain" to be able to
> get Single Signon through SSPI and perhaps this would also solve this
> problem.
> /Fredrik
> Den onsdagen den 11:e maj 2011 kl. 14:37:00 UTC+2 skrev flo87:
>> I notice that this appends to me because the access rights given to
>> the notifyCommit process that triggered the build (for me, it was
>> anynonymous user) dont have any right to read any project), so it
>> never loop inside the projects list and do find any SCM to match the
>> notifyCommit. Hope I'm enough clear ;-)
>> On May 9, 4:11 pm, Sentoo <> wrote:
>> > Hi there,
>> >
>> > we have a setup a project that is using ANT for its' builds, therefore
>> > we created a free-style project. Within that we configured subversion
>> > as SCM, initially with polling every 5 minutes. That worked.
>> >
>> > Now we are trying to change this to SVN push, via SVN commit hook.
>> > Currently this is not working. After what I take from the logs, it
>> > seems that we configured it correctly, but Jenkins does not recognize
>> > the freestyle project as subversion job. I get the following log
>> > entries, after the post-commit hook is fired:
>> >
>> > >> May 9, 2011 3:59:06 PM hudson.scm.SubversionRepositoryStatus
>> > >> doNotifyCommit
>> > >> FINE: Change reported to Subversion repository
>> > >> a0919590-65c4-11e0-9401-13e26efc52c6 on [antProject/trunk/Test/test.txt]
>> > >> May 9, 2011 3:59:06 PM hudson.scm.SubversionRepositoryStatus
>> > >> doNotifyCommit
>> > >> WARNING: No subversion jobs found
>> >
>> > And yes, I have left the "Poll SCM" trigger checked. I have set it to
>> > "0 0 1 1 7", as something like this is suggested by the
>> > documentation ...
>> >
>> > And yes, we have updated to the latest and greatest version (currently
>> > 1.410).
>> >
>> > Whereas when I use the periodic pull, I get the following messages:
>> >
>> > >> INFO: Started Fingerprint cleanup
>> > >> May 9, 2011 3:45:15 PM hudson.model.FingerprintCleanupThread execute
>> > >> INFO: Cleaned up 0 records
>> > >> May 9, 2011 3:45:15 PM hudson.model.AsyncPeriodicWork$1 run
>> > >> INFO: Finished Fingerprint cleanup. 2 ms
>> > >> May 9, 2011 3:55:48 PM hudson.triggers.SCMTrigger$Runner run
>> > >> INFO: SCM changes detected in antProject. Triggering  #14
>> > >> May 9, 2011 3:57:12 PM hudson.model.Run run
>> > >> INFO: antProject #14 main build action completed:
>> >
>> > Ideas and suggestions are highly welcome :)

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