Hello All,

I'm very new Jenkins (even to CI tools). I have a problem in running
ANT target from Jenkins. Let me clarify the question.

I've my jenkins installed in CentOS using native method (YUM repo).
I've also installed JDK, Ant. I did configured the path of those
things in Jenkins -> Manage Jenkins -> Configure System.

Then created a new Job to build product. In the job, subversion access
information as well as ant target to be run in the build step were

When running the job, im able to connect to SVN and download the
files. When trying to run the ant target, i got the following error
and build the failed.

[workspace] $ /usr/ant/apache-ant-1.8.3/bin/ant web
Error occurred during initialization of VM
java/lang/NoClassDefFoundError: java/lang/Object
Build step 'Invoke Ant' marked build as failure
Finished: FAILURE

Based on my understanding, the error is that the appropriate JDK bin
path was not configured properly in PATH environment variable. Is my
assumption rite??

I also tried to set the PATH variable in two places. 1. Jenkins ->
Manage Jenkins -> Configure System -> Global Properties by having
'PATH' in the name and '/usr/java/home/bin' (Yes, Sun JDK was
installed in that path) as the value. 2. Jenkins -> Job1 ->
configuration -> Invoke Ant -> Advanced -> Properties as 'PATH=/usr/

Im lost here. Please let me know, how i can change the PATH variable.


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