I would try *IF EXIST .git\lock del .git\lock*
DOS has some weird behaviour. Sometimes it insists on a proper indention on 
other occassions does it not care about it.
With this formatting is this problem part of the past.

What about Jenkins Workspace Cleanup 
I have been deleting manually before I learned of this plugin. A nice 
feature is that you also can delete at build start.


Am Donnerstag, 24. Mai 2012 17:37:21 UTC+2 schrieb Anthony Newnam:
> I am getting the error:
> *02:47:06*  Exception when executing the batch command : null
> Sometimes when trying to run a post build task. Have others seen this? It 
> seems there is an exception without a message in it 
> (https://svn.jenkins-ci.org/trunk/hudson/plugins/postbuild-task/src/main/java/hudson/plugins/postbuildtask/PostbuildTask.java).
> Here is my post build task:
> if exist .git\lock (
>   del .git\lock
> )
> I have to do this because https://issues.jenkins-ci.org/browse/JENKINS-12513 
> isn't complete yet.

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