Hi everybody,

My jobs launch non-regression tests (Selenium). XML reports are
generated by Ant, on a slave. These XML files are well-formed and
consistent. Jenkins gets the reports and creates tables with test

However, Jenkins mixes up the test results when the same test case has
been launched (the same name) several times in a run.

For example, 2 bugs :
1. Context: There are two failed results.
- They have the same name (and same packages) : OK in my case
- The tests are launched at a different time in the same run
- They have a different stack trace error, stack traces are
consistent : OK, in my case
- They have exactly the same log (standard output), logs are
inconsistent : here is the bug

2. Context : In the test results page for a given class
- There is a table with all the launched methods
- There are several rows with the same name : OK
- Status and duration are consistent : OK
- Links for the methods are inconsistent. Sometimes, different rows
for the same method have exactly the same link : here is the bug

I know this is not the purpose of Jenkins, but I need to launch the
same method several times in the same run. Actually, the different
method are launched with different parameters.

My feeling is Jenkins does not get each XML at a time.

Jenkins version : 1.466, installed on Solaris.



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