I'm running into the same issue.  Could you show an example of your final 
configuration file?  I'm using something very similiar to what is below, 
and it's not working.


Both of the aforementioned files contain the following:

        <certificate>cert is pasted in here</certificate>

and I get an SVNCancelException

On Wednesday, May 2, 2012 2:34:18 PM UTC-4, Dustin Parker wrote:
> I did it!
> I looked at the files hudson.scm.SubversionSCM.xml and 
> jobs/<jobname>/subversion.credentials. Both of them had, from a previous 
> repository, an entry that looked like:
>     <entry>
>       <string>&lt;https://www.example.com/&gt;</string>
>       <hudson.scm.SubversionSCM_-DescriptorImpl_-PasswordCredential>
>         <userName>username</userName>
>         <password>YmFzZTY0LWVuY29kZWQgcGFzc3dvcmQ=</password>
>       </hudson.scm.SubversionSCM_-DescriptorImpl_-PasswordCredential>
>     </entry>
> and an entry that looked like:
>     <entry>
>       <string>&lt;https://www.example.com/&gt; Subversion 
> Repositories</string>
>       <hudson.scm.SubversionSCM_-DescriptorImpl_-PasswordCredential>
>         <userName>username</userName>
>         <password>YmFzZTY0LWVuY29kZWQgcGFzc3dvcmQ=</password>
>       </hudson.scm.SubversionSCM_-DescriptorImpl_-PasswordCredential>
>     </entry>
> so I gathered the former was for the *server* and the latter was for the 
> *basic 
> realm*. Even that wasn't true, this got me to realize that SVNKit would 
> be *forced* to distinguish between the two: the realm isn't available 
> until after the security has been negotiated, so if SVNKit is going to 
> supply a password, it can only use the hostname. Then once the secure 
> connection has been established, it will try to look up credentials in this 
> map using the host and realm name. So I ginned up two entries: one with the 
> certificate authentication and *only* the hostname, and another with 
> password authentication and the host *and *realm names, just like above 
> (only using certificate authentication for the first example). So far, 
> crossing my fingers and toes, this seems to work!
> On Wednesday, May 2, 2012 10:41:14 AM UTC-7, Dustin Parker wrote:
>> This issue (JENKINS-3912) is currently stalling our development effort, 
>> too. I'm trying a variety of things to work around the issue. The 
>> frustrating thing is that jsvn from the command line *works*, so the SVN 
>> plugin is taking this functioning library and *breaking* it somehow.
>> On Wednesday, July 13, 2011 5:40:50 AM UTC-7, michaelw wrote:
>>> Has this been resolved? Sorry to bring up such an old post but I have the
>>> same problem.
>>> The scenario is as follows:
>>> 1. SSL is configured on our apache server to require a client 
>>> certificate -
>>> right at the front so you can't access any of the content if you don't 
>>> have
>>> the client certificate.
>>> 2. The svn server is thus sitting behind the apache server - we thus use
>>> https to reach our svn server.
>>> 3. The svn server then has its own username/password resolution 
>>> facilities,
>>> this is to do thing like permissions on svn folders etc.
>>> I can't get Jenkins to checkout my code.
>>> When I select the username/password option I get the following exception
>>> <wrapping exceptions removed>
>>> Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException
>>>         at 
>>> org.apache.commons.io.FileUtils.openInputStream(FileUtils.java:129)
>>>         at 
>>> org.apache.commons.io.FileUtils.readFileToByteArray(FileUtils.java:1135)
>>>         at
>>> hudson.scm.SubversionSCM$DescriptorImpl$SslClientCertificateCredential.<init>(SubversionSCM.java:1494)
>>>         at
>>> hudson.scm.UserProvidedCredential$AuthenticationManagerImpl.getFirstAuthentication(UserProvidedCredential.java:205)
>>>         at
>>> org.tmatesoft.svn.core.internal.io.dav.http.HTTPSSLKeyManager.initialize(HTTPSSLKeyManager.java:319)
>>>         at
>>> org.tmatesoft.svn.core.internal.io.dav.http.HTTPSSLKeyManager.initializeNoException(HTTPSSLKeyManager.java:301)
>>>         at
>>> org.tmatesoft.svn.core.internal.io.dav.http.HTTPSSLKeyManager.chooseClientAlias(HTTPSSLKeyManager.java:196)
>>>         at
>>> sun.security.ssl.AbstractWrapper.chooseClientAlias(SSLContextImpl.java:282)
>>>         at
>>> sun.security.ssl.ClientHandshaker.serverHelloDone(ClientHandshaker.java:629)
>>>         at
>>> sun.security.ssl.ClientHandshaker.processMessage(ClientHandshaker.java:228)
>>>         at sun.security.ssl.Handshaker.processLoop(Handshaker.java:610)
>>>         at 
>>> sun.security.ssl.Handshaker.process_record(Handshaker.java:546)
>>>         at 
>>> sun.security.ssl.SSLSocketImpl.readRecord(SSLSocketImpl.java:913)
>>>         at
>>> sun.security.ssl.SSLSocketImpl.performInitialHandshake(SSLSocketImpl.java:1158)
>>>         at 
>>> sun.security.ssl.SSLSocketImpl.writeRecord(SSLSocketImpl.java:652)
>>>         at 
>>> sun.security.ssl.AppOutputStream.write(AppOutputStream.java:78)
>>>         at 
>>> java.io.BufferedOutputStream.flushBuffer(BufferedOutputStream.java:82)
>>>         at 
>>> java.io.BufferedOutputStream.flush(BufferedOutputStream.java:140)
>>>         at
>>> org.tmatesoft.svn.core.internal.io.dav.http.HTTPConnection.sendData(HTTPConnection.java:229)
>>>         at
>>> org.tmatesoft.svn.core.internal.io.dav.http.HTTPRequest.dispatch(HTTPRequest.java:166)
>>>         at
>>> org.tmatesoft.svn.core.internal.io.dav.http.HTTPConnection._request(HTTPConnection.java:364)
>>>         ... 59 more
>>> Almost as if it is looking for a client certificate file but as one isn't
>>> set, it cannot find one.
>>> Then if I try the other option - client certificate I get:
>>> Attempting an SSL client certificate authentcation
>>> Passing user name null and password you entered
>>> Failed to authenticate: org.tmatesoft.svn.core.SVNErrorMessage: svn: 
>>> of /OldMutual/sandbox/trunk/maven/parent: 401 Authorization Required
>>> (https://svn.afrozaar.com)
>>> So it looks like it is getting passed the https level but being locked 
>>> out
>>> by the svn authentication.
>>> The interesting thing about this scenario is that the log says "Passing
>>> username null and password you entered" - almost as if if the password 
>>> was
>>> set, it would work.
>>> The .subversion config is configured correctly - so I'm not sure if it is
>>> reading this.
>>> --
>>> View this message in context: 
>>> http://jenkins.361315.n4.nabble.com/authenticating-with-certificates-username-password-tp373150p3664923.html
>>> Sent from the Jenkins users mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

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