Chris Withers kirjoitti 6.7.2012 kello 20.25:

> Well, I can't, I don't have the knowledge or experience, but would the 
> maintainers of the git plugin do this if I raised a bug for it?

It doesn't hurt to try.

> I wish I could understand what the current multi-repository support in the 
> plugin is supposed to do... Where can I find out?

You refer to the possibility to set up multiple git repositories in the job 
configuration? That is there because the git plugin fully embraces the 
distributed nature of git.

If you have used subversion, you have become used to the idea there is only one 
repository. When you begin using git, everyone has trouble trying to wrap their 
head around the fact that every checkout is a repository. Usually you just 
ignore it and you have one repo on some server and everyone pulls and pushes to 
that one and your development model does not need to change much from what it 
was when you used subversion.

But git itself does not even have any concept of a "main repository". You might 
(and some have) change your development model so there is no one main 
repository but instead there are many. You could even go so far as to have a 
repository for every developer.

You can configure a Jenkins job with addresses of all your git repos (which are 
all clones of each other, not different projects) and Jenkins can pull from all 
of them, merge the code together and try if it builds and run tests.

Each repository you configure for the job becomes another "remote". See "git 
remote --help" for details.

Also, might be useful reading.

-- Sami

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