I am using the very useful email-ext plugin, and I have it configured to send 
emails for:
Improvement - An email will be sent any time there is an improvement. A build 
is considered to have improved whenever it has fewer failures than the previous 
Fixed - An email will be sent when the build status changes from "Failure" or 
"Unstable" to "Successful".

Unfortunately, when a job previously had tests failing, and then they are 
fixed, I get two emails - one for "Improvement", and then another for "Fixed". 
I only want the "Fixed" email.

It would be more useful if the Improvement email was sent only when the number 
of failing tests decreased, but was still no-zero (so there is no overlap with 
the "Fixed" case).

Is this something I can achieve by changing my configuration, or should I open 
a change request, or is there a good reason for it working as it does?


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