On Wed, Aug 1, 2012 at 11:17 AM, Vojtech Juranek <vjura...@redhat.com> wrote:
> Looks like you it does search for user's email:
> hudson.scm.SubversionMailAddressResolverImpl.findMailAddressFor
> and spends time parsing changelogs:
> hudson.scm.SubversionChangeLogParser.parse
> I guess you have quite large instance, otherwise this operation would be quite
> fast.
> If you have some job, which has set up option to send an email to devs who
> broke the build, if the user hasn't specified an email, Jenkins tries to find 
> it
> e.g. in git or SVN changelogs and search all projects and builds so if you
> have large instance with several dozen thousands of builds if can take pretty
> long time.
> You can fix it by setting up correct email for the user.
> If you have installed git plugin, make sure you have 1.1.16 (I hope it was
> fixed in this version) or higher. Git plugin made this search even if the user
> has set up email correctly

So, if I understand right, jenkins is looking for email addresses, so
I need to make sure that every user that registers has a valid
> On Wednesday 01 August 2012 10:56:43 Andrew Melo wrote:
>> On Wed, Aug 1, 2012 at 10:36 AM, Vojtech Juranek <vjura...@redhat.com>
> wrote:
>> > On Wednesday 01 August 2012 10:07:15 Andrew Melo wrote:
>> >> On Wed, Aug 1, 2012 at 9:48 AM, Vojtech Juranek <vjura...@redhat.com>
> wrote:
>> >> > quick way how to look what the thread consuming CPU is doing is to do
>> >> > thread dump (e.g. using jstack $PID) and use top with threads on (H
>> >> > option) and then look up, see e.g.
>> >> > http://code.nomad-labs.com/2010/11/18/identifying-which-java-thread-is-
>> >> > consuming-most-cpu/
>> >>
>> >> I see. I apparently don't have jstack on this machine :/. Does it only
>> >> come with the JDK, or can I find it somewhere on the JRE? Once I find
>> >> the offending thread, should it be pretty obvious what it does?
>> >
>> > jstack is part of JDK
>> >
>> > you can see the stack trace via Jenkins UI navigating to
>> > $JENKINS_URL/threadDump but not sure if your (or any) Jenkins version
>> > provides thread IDs.
>> >
>> >
>> > Once you identify the offending thread, it should be obvious what it does
>> > (but it may not be obvious why it does what it does:-)
>> Okay, I installed the jdk, and I looked some more.
>> Using top, I see one jenkins thread taking the lionsshare of the time:
>> 24580 jenkins   25   0 3246m 743m  18m R 88.6 24.7 790:53.39 java
>> 24591 jenkins   15   0 3246m 743m  18m S  0.0 24.7  40:14.51 java
>> 25163 jenkins   15   0 3246m 743m  18m S  0.0 24.7  28:21.42 java
>> 24601 jenkins   15   0 3246m 743m  18m S  0.0 24.7  27:24.95 java
>> 24581 jenkins   15   0 3246m 743m  18m S  0.0 24.7  26:39.58 java
>> 24589 jenkins   18   0 3246m 743m  18m S  0.2 24.7  24:41.60 java
>> 24604 jenkins   15   0 3246m 743m  18m S  0.0 24.7  23:47.46 java
>> 24603 jenkins   15   0 3246m 743m  18m S  0.6 24.7  17:05.23 java
>> 24484 jenkins   15   0 3246m 743m  18m S  0.4 24.7  14:45.39 java
>> 24612 jenkins   18   0 3246m 743m  18m S  0.0 24.7  11:50.45 java
>> 24610 jenkins   15   0 3246m 743m  18m S  0.0 24.7  10:34.41 java
>> 24564 jenkins   15   0 3246m 743m  18m S  0.0 24.7   8:56.60 java
>> 24602 jenkins   15   0 3246m 743m  18m S  0.0 24.7   8:30.98 java
>> 24565 jenkins   16   0 3246m 743m  18m S 11.5 24.7   8:22.85 java
>> 24609 jenkins   15   0 3246m 743m  18m S  0.0 24.7   8:12.30 java
>> 24582 jenkins   15   0 3246m 743m  18m S  0.6 24.7   3:48.67 java
>> 24590 jenkins   15   0 3246m 743m  18m S  0.0 24.7   3:24.27 java
>> 24579 jenkins   15   0 3246m 743m  18m S  0.0 24.7   3:22.16 java
>> 24486 jenkins   15   0 3246m 743m  18m S  0.0 24.7   2:33.77 java
>> 24973 jenkins   15   0 3246m 743m  18m S  0.0 24.7   2:18.32 java
>> 24983 jenkins   15   0 3246m 743m  18m S  0.0 24.7   2:07.91 java
>> 24838 jenkins   15   0 3246m 743m  18m S  0.0 24.7   1:38.35 java
>> 24845 jenkins   15   0 3246m 743m  18m S  0.0 24.7   1:32.56 java
>> 25037 jenkins   15   0 3246m 743m  18m S  0.0 24.7   1:16.63 java
>> 25038 jenkins   15   0 3246m 743m  18m S  0.0 24.7   1:07.00 java
>> 24491 jenkins   15   0 3246m 743m  18m S  0.0 24.7   1:05.38 java
>> 24611 jenkins   15   0 3246m 743m  18m S  0.0 24.7   1:02.82 java
>> 24488 jenkins   15   0 3246m 743m  18m S  0.0 24.7   1:00.30 java
>> Then if I run jstack, I get the following backtrace:
>> https://gist.github.com/3228105
>> Does that look useful at all?
>> Thanks,
>> Andrew

Andrew Melo

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