We are using Maven (actually Ant and Ivy, but I'm converting the
ivy.xml to a Maven pom.xm).  I store the pom.xml and the jar/war/ear
I'm deploying as a "Build Artifact". I have figured out how to use the
Promotion Plugin to deploy the artifact into our Maven repository when
I press the button to promote the build.

Let's say I did build #20, and that went to QA. QA is happy with the
build and officially approves it. We want to go ahead and use the
Promotion plugin to deploy the artifacts from Build #20 to our Maven
repository. Unfortunately, we now are on Build #27, so the artifacts
we want to deploy are no longer in the working directory.

Is there a way to promote the artifacts from Build #20 even though it
is not the latest build?

David Weintraub

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