Yes, it is specific to that plugin. It is conventional for post-build actions 
to run only if build is successful but some plugins that bring new post-build 
actions allow you to configure the actions to run for failed builds too. For 
example the Parameterized Trigger plugin is such.

You could just use the archive artifacts setting to copy build outputs. Jenkins 
always archives the matching files regardless if the build fails or succeeds. 
That's what I do.

-- Sami

Tony Spataro <> kirjoitti 5.8.2012 kello 7.38:

> I'm running Jenkins with several slave nodes and I need to copy some build 
> outputs back to the master for use with the "Publish files" post-build step.
> I've noticed that when one of the build steps fails, the "copy files to 
> master" post-build step does not seem to run. This contradicts what I thought 
> I understood about post-build actions -- that they should run even if one of 
> the build steps fails.
> Has anyone else encountered this problem? Perhaps it's something specific to 
> the copy-to-slave plugin, in which case this is probably the wrong list to be 
> asking .. just thought I'd check on the more general behavior of Jenkins 
> before I go digging into plugin sources.

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