Well- almost confirmed....

When I set an EnvInject global password for my P4 password, I can use it in 
the perforce password entry field to successfully run jobs. That’s what I 
originally confirmed. 

However, I have now seen two new problems-


·         The job cannot use the global password to poll the depot for 
changes. I get an invalid password message in the log (see below)

·         The job configuration UI shows messages that indicate variable 
substitution is not performed.

The first is a showstopper for CI jobs.

The second I can live with, but I’d suggest that the warning include a 
disclaimer that says substitution is not done in the configuration screen.



Similarly, when I tried to use a variable in the perforce mapping, the same 
kinds of problems were apparent:

Polling does not work (see log entry below)

The job configuration UI shows messages that indicate variable substitution 
was not performed.



Polling log contents:

The polling log when using variable substitution in the password field -


Started on Aug 28, 2012 12:58:51 PM

Looking for changes...

Using master

Using master perforce client: Jenkins-NGC_CI

Caught Exception communicating with perforce.Login attempt failed: Password 

FATAL: Unable to communicate with perforce.  Check log file for: Login 
attempt failed: Password invalid.

Unable to communicate with perforce.  Check log file for: Login attempt 
failed: Password invalid.

        at *




        at *


        at *

        at java.util.concurrent.Executors$RunnableAdapter.call(Unknown 

        at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask$Sync.innerRun(Unknown Source)

        at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.run(Unknown Source)

        at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.runTask(Unknown 

        at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(Unknown 

        at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source)

Done. Took 0.44 sec

No changes



The polling log when using variable substitution in client mapping (view 
map field)-


Started on Aug 28, 2012 12:51:51 PM

Looking for changes...

Using master

Using master perforce client: Jenkins-NGC_CI

Warning: Client Spec line invalid, ignoring. (${DepotBranch}/Source/...  


Changing P4 Client View from:

//depot/Projects/NGC/Main/Source/... //Jenkins-NGC_CI/ReadOnly/Source/...


Changing P4 Client View to: 

Saving modified client Jenkins-NGC_CI

No changes found.

Done. Took 2.2 sec

No changes


The job configuration UI showed the following message:

·         when using variable substitution in the password field -

Unable to check workspace against depot



·         When using variable substitution in client mapping (view map 

Invalid mapping:${DepotBranch}/Source/... //jenkins/ReadOnly/Source/...


On Monday, August 27, 2012 9:55:48 AM UTC-7, Richard J wrote:

> Confirmed- Both EnvInject and MaskPassword global passwords work as 
> advertised in Perforce plugin.
> NOTE: Don't forget to mark the checkbox in the job config to allow use of 
> the defined global passwords in that job!
> On Saturday, August 25, 2012 4:18:00 PM UTC-7, Rob Petti wrote:
>> If it doesn't work already (it should) then you can use the Mask 
>> Passwords plugin to set up a global password instead.
>> On Friday, 24 August 2012 13:22:18 UTC-6, Richard J wrote:
>>> The newer versions of the plugin EnvInject can create a GlobalPassword.
>>> Since I have the same Perforce password entered separately in about 100 
>>> jobs, it would be nice
>>> to use this feature.
>>> Any plans to support it in the Perforce plugin?

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