Works perfectly. Thanks again!

On Fri, Oct 26, 2012 at 4:18 PM, Charles-Axel Dein <> wrote:

> Amazing. Will try that now.
> Thanks!
> On Fri, Oct 26, 2012 at 4:01 PM, Bap <> wrote:
>> Quoting Charles-Axel Dein <>:
>>  Hi,
>>> I'm trying to have MySQL and Redis run on two different ports. Since I
>>> want
>>> to parallelize builds, I'm using this command to find an unused,
>>> unprivileged port:
>>> export MYSQL_PORT=$( (netstat  -atn | awk '{printf "%s\n%s\n", $4, $4}' |
>>> grep -oE '[0-9]*$'; seq 32768 61000) | sort -n | uniq -u | head -n 1)
>>> export REDIS_PORT=$( (netstat -atn | awk '{printf "%s\n%s\n", $4, $4}' |
>>> grep -oE '[0-9]*$'; seq 32768 61000) | sort -n | uniq -u | grep -v
>>> $MYSQL_PORT | head -n 1)
>>> Yet I'm always getting all sorts of :
>>> uniq: write error: Broken pipe
>>> grep: writing output: Broken pipe
>>> I tried running those commands on the machine with the jenkins user, they
>>> work perfectly.
>>> Any idea?
>>> Thanks!
>>> Charles
>> Have you seen**display/JENKINS/Port+**
>> Allocator+Plugin<>?
>> May make your job a bit easier :-)

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