I think that with the baseline parameter, you have to specify the name of 
the baseline at runtime. So as such, it isn't very useful for scheduled 

But you could try if you can use environment variables in the name of the 
baseline. I would first try with something like $BUILD_ID and see if the
UCM-plugin recognizes this variable (it will give an error because you 
probably don't have such a baseline, but then at least you know you can use 
environment variables).
If this test is positive, you could use the EnvInject plugin, to inject 
your externally created baseline name by means of an environment variable 
into your build job.

P.S.: Maybe the Multijob plugin can also be helpful for setting up your 
complete chain of jobs.


Op woensdag 14 november 2012 12:40:15 UTC+1 schreef Ronan Mulvaney het 
> Hi,
> Has anyone any experience or knowledge of using the Clearcase-ucm-plugin 
> https://wiki.jenkins-ci.org/display/JENKINS/ClearCase+UCM+Plugin to build 
> with a specific baseline parameter.
> My build is setup and can build without specifying a baseline which gives 
> me some confidence that it is setup correctly however when I try to use 
> this option to pass a specific baseline in I get an error:
> [CCUCM] Could not find baseline from parameter '<My Baseline>'.
> The baselines that we use are a simple format <Project Name>_<timestamp> 
> and there are not set by Jenkins but are valid UCM baselines - just in case 
> it can only read previous baselines set by this plugin.
> My goal in case there is another way of achieving it is for one build to 
> kick off another build which will create a specific baseline of a project 
> to build with. I can't seem to pass parameters to the ClearCase Baseline 
> UCM Plugin so was hoping this plugin would allow me to pass a string 
> baseline parameter as per the documentation and achieve the desired result.
> Thanks,
> Ronan

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