I started work on a plugin that would allow you to label jobs to group them
together by using the JobProperty [1] extension point. I didn't get too far
(nothing usable) before I shelved it due to time and work load. You might
want to look into that extension point. I envisioned a way similar to
labeling nodes to allow you to label jobs that you could make use of in
filters for dashboards, and other uses.


-- Larry

On Mon, Nov 19, 2012 at 6:10 AM, indiws <ramalingam.bhara...@gmail.com>wrote:

> Hi All,
>    I am writing a custom portlet derived from Dashboard View. We have lots
> of components being built and using the custom portlet I would like to
> group them based on the product.Also they should be shown in a single
> page,( I dont want to create differents view for components). I am able get
> the jobs to be shown in the page.
> Is there any way to tag a job so that I could group it in my portlet or is
> there any other better way to do that.
> Please shed some lights on this.
> Thanks,

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