
I cant seem to get this to work.
I have a large number of parameters I want to pass to a build that requires 
me to use "post" and a JSON object.
As a test I created a job (myTest) that has one string param (my_param) 
with a default value of 0. 
Following the example in the docs I trigger the build via curl passing a 
json object with the my_param set to 1.
The build is triggered just fine but the parameter never picks up the value 

This is what the formatting of my json object looks like:
json="{\"parameter\": [{\"name\": \"my_param\", \"value\": \"1\"}], 

And the command:
curl -X POST $url -d "token=MYTOKEN" --data-urlencode json="$json"

Again I am using json with "post" as the final length of my parameter list 
will exceed the byte limit allowed when sending params directly via the url.
Anyone have an example of this working? What am I doing wrong... banging 
head on this for a full day now..


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