Don't know about any way through plugins, but still have couple of
* You can use the revision numbers, rather than head/tip. So from the
bash/batch section do svn update to keep it on the revision before running
the process.
* Mercurial (or any decentralized system) proves to be better in such
cases. As in mercurial you can point the second (and so on) jobs to pull
from the cloned repo (workspace) of the first job, in that way the revision
is controlled and stays where the first job ran.


On Mon, Dec 31, 2012 at 11:26 AM, zw <> wrote:

> Hi All
> We have a big chained job that runs for about an hour. Chained job meaning
> several jobs combined using downstream connections of jobs.
> We have the following problem, which is better explained in use case
> scenario:
> 3pm - User A checks in files into SVN directory X
> 315pm - Job B (has 4 subjobs) - and subjob 1 - checkouts files from SVN
> directory X, compiles and completes subjob run, then
> 320pm - subjob 2 - checksouts files from SVN directory Y and compiling
> 325pm - User C checks in files into SVN directory Z
> 335pm - subjob2 completes run and subjob 3 - checkouts files from SVN
> directory Z, compiles and completes subjob run, then
> 345pm - subjob4 checkouts files from SVN directory G, compiles and
> completes subjob run
> 4pm - subjob 4 completes run.
> Issue: For those files that User C checks in, we like to pick up the
> previous versions of those files, prior to User C's checkouts after the job
> B begins running and not pick up the files versions that User B checks in
> during the job B run.
> How can we do that in Jenkins/Hudson ?
> Thanks all for your contribution.


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