Great plugin! It's a huge time saver to have Jenkins figure out what went 
wrong with a build rather than having to view the log and figure it out for 

Right now I'd say that the biggest improvements that could be made to the 
plugin involve making its results more prominent.

It would be great if there was a "failure reason" email-ext token I could 
add to failure emails Jenkins sends out. I've seen that some plugins 
produce tokens for use by other plugins, apparently with the help of the 
Token Macro Plugin (e.g.

Also, the "identified problems" that appear in a build summary page is last 
on the page, seemingly following everything else. As far as I'm concerned, 
because of its importance it should be the very first item on the summary 

The lightbulb is a great way of seeing what happened with various builds 
without further clicking. Depending on how long descriptions are, it might 
be good to include additional information in the lightbulb tooltip such as 
the description or category.

In any case, thanks for a very helpful plugin.

- David

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