Hi All

We have a chained job (4 subjobs, chained together).
All the subjobs's Repository URL has similar strings like 
We set the first chain job with This build is parameterized - String 
parameter - name as SVN_REVISION, value as <HEAD or a number>
When we set to HEAD, we get different revision numbers.
When we set to a number, we get the same revision number, which is good but 
when our job is scheduled, it is not picking the latest revision number 
that should be used by
all the other jobs. Using HEAD didnt help since any future checkins during 
the run are used.
We like all the chained job to use the same revision number in checking 
out/updating files.
How do we set the This build is parameterized - String parameter so that 
whatever the latest revision number that is picked up by the first job, 
that all the other jobs would use the same revision number ?


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