Two questions (from a Git n00b) dealing with Git + Maven in Jenkins:

1) When I do a release, I either want a new branch based on the maven
release version or a "release" branch sync'd w/ the latest "master" code
and tagged with the latest release version so we can pull it if we ever
need to do a hot fix based on release code.  I haven't found the thing that
helps me do this using the Maven Release Plugin and Git.  Can anyone point
me in the right direction?

2) I've configured Jenkins w/ the SSH keys for our Git "service" account to
our internal gitolite repository.  I can successfully pull and it seems
that during the maven release process, the "commit" works when updating the
POM, but it seems pushing the new branch fails with:

MyGitProject: Unable to commit files
Provider message:
The git-push command failed.
Command output:
ssh: svcSCM: no address associated with name
fatal: Could not read from remote repository.

Please make sure you have the correct access rights
and the repository exists.

The user has the same rights as my personal user and I can do branching and
pushing operations manually with either account on the Jenkins box.  I've
tried leaving the SCM username/password blank when scheduling a maven
release and I've also tried just setting the user name to match the Git
service account user with similar failed results.

I'm sure I'm missing something fundamentally simple, but I'm not seeing it.

Any and all help is much appreciated.

Jeff Vincent
See my LinkedIn profile at:
I ♥ DropBox <> !!

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