Seems to still *not* work. :(

Will research this further. In the meanwhile: Anyone any idea?

Am Dienstag, 5. März 2013 11:29:05 UTC+1 schrieb Andreas Schöneck:
> Hey there,
> as a note: this might be related to 
> I will check whether an upgrade will resolve this tomorrow.
> Regards,
> Andreas
> Am Donnerstag, 28. Februar 2013 11:05:27 UTC+1 schrieb Andreas Schöneck:
>> Hello!
>> tl;dr: Integration test result links in xUnit result in 404 error.
>> The long story:
>> We are currently experiencing strange behaviour with our integration test 
>> project.
>> Let me first say some words on the setup. We have an integration 
>> environment consisting of a couple of servers which we run JUnit tests 
>> against living inside a Maven module.
>> These tests are automatically executed by Jenkins on a certain schedule.
>> Some details on the Jenkins project setup:
>> - Discard old builds:
>>   * days to keep = 14,
>>   * max # of builds to keep = 30
>> - Use Java 1.6.0
>> - Always check out fresh copy from Subversion
>> - Maven 3.0.4 executing the following targets:
>>   verify install sonar:sonar 
>> com.atlassian.maven.plugins:maven-clover2-plugin:aggregate 
>> com.atlassian.maven.plugins:maven-clover2-plugin:clover
>>   having some additional properties set and profiles activated (sorry, 
>> have to be undisclosed somehow - in short: the profiles cause certain test 
>> to be run)
>> - No post build steps
>> - E-mail notifications for unstable and to individuals having broken the 
>> build
>> - A couple of *post-build actions*:
>>   * Activate Chuck Norris
>>   * Additional test report features -> Allow claiming of broken builds
>>   * Aggregate downstream test results -> Automatically aggregate all 
>> downstream tests
>>   * Publish Clover Coverage Report -> ... (omitted, I think it is not 
>> that important here)
>>   * Publish Performace test result report -> JMeter -> ...
>>   * Publish xUnit test result report
>>     ** JUnit -> Pattern = **/target/*-reports/TEST*.xml
>>     ** Failed Tests -> Some thresholds...
>>     ** Skipped Tests -> No thresholds set at all.
>>   * Allow broken build claiming
>>   * Continous Integration Game
>>   * Jabber Notification
>> We are now experiencing that on the project's build page the* **first* 
>> "*Test 
>> Result*" reads "*(no failures)*".
>> There is a *second* "*Test Result*" (I think it is coming from xUnit) 
>> that actually has "*(12 failures / **±0)*" as expected since there are 
>> some failing tests.
>> You can now expand "*Show all failed tests >>>*" to see which tests have 
>> failed. There we can see the tests as hyperlinks. Now, when you click on 
>> any of the tests' names to see the result, you get a 404 error. Obviously, 
>> the test reports are gone or at least not accessible from Jenkins' UI.
>> When you click on "Test Result" itself, you are directed to the *
>> testReport* subpage (regardless which link you actually clicked on - 
>> remember, there are two of them on a build's page) which shows that there 
>> are no failures per Maven module - just zeros in the "*Fail*" column. 
>> Additionally, the count of the test is too low.
>> As far as I can tell (I am new to this team), the integration tests are 
>> run or somehow processed by the maven-failsafe-plugin (I think there's even 
>> an official life cycle target for that). Thus the reports are placed to 
>> target/failsafe-reports, not target/surefire-reports. Nevertheless, 
>> xUnit is configured to pick all **/target/*-reports files (see above). I 
>> think if it would not even notice the failsafe reoports it would not be 
>> able to list the failed tests.
>> We can see the results of the tests that run separately from the 
>> integration tests via Jenkins UI. Their test results are being placed to 
>> surefire-reports.
>> But we also want to see the result and be able to click on failed 
>> integration tests. That is specially desired because you get exactly one of 
>> these non-working link in a broken build notification email.
>> After this bunch of text, has anyone got an idea what could be wrong? 
>> We have had some issues with disk capacity on our Jenkins machine. This 
>> coincides with the test results not being displayed correctly any more. 
>> Strangely, the problem persisted after resolving this issue.
>> We're running Jenkins 1.502 and xUnit 1.52.
>> Since I am willing to solve this, pointing me into directions is also 
>> very much appreciated.
>> Thanks in advance and regards,
>> Andreas

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