On Monday, 18 March 2013 18:44:18 UTC, Tomek Kaczanowski wrote:
> Hi James, 
> thanks for the quick response! 
> > the simplest quick fix is to downgrade Jenkins... 
> yeah, sure it is 
> > What version did you upgrade from - and what options/parameters are you 
> > using? 
> 1.496 

> what options/parameters you are asking about? 

When you release there are options for the username/password, comment 
prefix, tag, nexus pro support..

There was a similar defect raised when the plugin was run in Hudson 2.2 - 
and I think Jenkins recently updated it's json library...  So the problem 
may be how to get this to work in a backwards compatible way.
In the interim there is a pull request that will fix this (not tested on 
older releases yet) so you may be able to grab that, build locally and use 
it to unblock you whilst I look at if anything else is needed. 

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