Hi, I'm trying to setup a build slave, but when failing to connect to it. I 
receive a IOException: Publickey authentication failed.

The setup looks like this:

   1. Jenkins Master runs under user 'avihay' in machine A.
   2. Slave runs on machine B with IP X (no DNS in my setup, so I'm using 
   IP), and I'm trying to ssh with the user 'risk'
   3. I've created ssh keys in machine A, and did "ssh-copy" to user 'risk' 
   in machine B, so now I can ssh without password from machine A to B 
   (checked it).
   4. I've changed the name of the Jenkins user 'anonymous' to 'avihay' via 
   the UI
   5. I've copied the SSH public key that I created in step 3 to the 'SSH 
   Public Key' text box in the user 'avihay' config (in Jenkins UI).
   6. I created a new node, with the IP of host B, and in the credentials 
   the user name is 'risk', and the private key is set to 'From Jenkins master 
   ~/.ssh', although I tried the other two options, and they didn't work as 
   7. When I'm pressing the  'Launch slave agent', it fails with the 
   following details:

Opening SSH conection to XXX.XX.XX.X (My IP addresss)
ERROR: Failed to authenticate as risk with credential=3318c....
java.io.IOException: Publickey authentication failed

BTW, the credentials appearing in the log message are not the credentials 
appearing in the ~/.ssh/id_rsa file, nor in the credentials I inseted in 
bullet 5.

Thanks in advance.


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