Take a look at src/test/groovy/com/cloudbees/plugins/flow/AbortTest.groovy 
 - this should say that it is possible to do what you want :-)

On Tuesday, 29 October 2013 02:43:19 UTC-4, asmundo wrote:
> On Tue, Oct 29, 2013 at 4:16 AM, James Nord (jnord) 
> <jn...@cisco.com<javascript:>
> > wrote:
>>  The changes I have put in to support this are not in a release version 
>> of the buildflow – so you will need to download source and compile, or grab 
>> it from the Jenkins ci instance.
> I forgot to state that I am did this. Sorry about that.  I am running:
>    * 305af7f Merge pull request #37 from mattiasbpersson/master 
>    * build-flow-plugin:0.11-SNAPSHOT
> I did very much like the groovy shell evaluation!
> Asmund
> ****
>> ** **
>> /James****
>> ** **
>> *From:* jenkins...@googlegroups.com <javascript:> [mailto:
>> jenkins...@googlegroups.com <javascript:>] *On Behalf Of *Åsmund Østvold
>> *Sent:* 28 October 2013 17:34
>> *To:* jenkins...@googlegroups.com <javascript:>
>> *Subject:* Re: build flow, early exit from parallel construct?****
>>  ** **
>> Thank you James,  ****
>> ** **
>> I finally freed up some time and was able do a new stab at this.  I have 
>> inlined some questions and feedback.****
>> ** **
>> On Fri, Oct 25, 2013 at 6:33 AM, James Nord (jnord) 
>> <jn...@cisco.com<javascript:>> 
>> wrote:****
>>  KillRunningjobs is called internally if the flow is aborted (or one of 
>> the jobs is aborted).****
>> Internallyt this is handled by catching either  (IIRC) a 
>> JobAborteException (or also an IOException).****
>>  ** **
>> I did search for 10 minutes for "JobAborteException" or something close 
>> to this. But my Jenkins/Java knowledge is limite...****
>>  ****
>>  The IOException will show a stack trace in your console output – wheres 
>> the jobAbortEx will just show “Aborted” (and the cause if you set one),**
>> **
>>  ** **
>> I did try the blow but was not able to abort flow job. Job 'pass' takes 
>> 20s and job 'fail' taks only 5s:****
>> ** **
>> parallel(****
>>  {  b = build("pass");****
>>     if (b.getResult() == Result.FAILURE) {****
>>         throw new java.io.IOException("foo")****
>>     } },****
>>  {  b = build( "fail" );****
>>     if (b.getResult() == Result.FAILURE) {****
>>         throw new java.io.IOException("foo")****
>>     }}****
>> )****
>> ** **
>> Console output:****
>> ** **
>> ** **
>> parallel {****
>>     Schedule job fail <http://ao:8080/job/fail/>****
>>     Schedule job pass <http://ao:8080/job/pass/>****
>>     Build fail #40 <http://ao:8080/job/fail/40/> started****
>>     Build pass #33 <http://ao:8080/job/pass/33/> started****
>>     fail #40 <http://ao:8080/job/fail/40/> completed  : FAILURE****
>>     pass #33 <http://ao:8080/job/pass/33/> completed ****
>> }****
>>  ** **
>>   I am probably doing something wrong but I am not able to see it. Any 
>> help would be appreciated. ****
>>  ****
>>  So just throw one of those.  I guess I should add this to the 
>> extensions so you can just call ext.abortFlow(“Reason”) J****
>>  ** **
>> With my limited understanding I believe this would be very good to have. 
>> If you add this could you consider adding something like:****
>> ** **
>>   ext.failFlow(“Reason”)****
>> ** **
>> It should do the same was for abortFlow("foo") but fail the build. For my 
>> use case this would "keep" the overall status as if all the jobs in the 
>> parallel section had finished. To also cover 'UNSTABLE' and 'SUCCESS' could 
>> the generalisation be exposing something like:****
>> ** **
>>    terminateFlow(Result r, String s)****
>> ** **
>> ?****
>>  ****
>>  Also no need to check the string – check getResult() == Result.FAILURE 
>> or getResult().isWorseOrEqual(Result.FAILURE)****
>>  ** **
>> Thanks for this. ****
>>  ****
>> Asmund****
>> ** **
>> -- ****
>> dyslectic****
>> -- 
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>> For more options, visit https://groups.google.com/groups/opt_out.****
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