I have a situation where if I start the slave agent using the jnlp, sikuli 
runs from my test architecture (java based calling older rc3 sikuli) just 
fine.  If i start the same agent in headless mode then there is a linking 
issue that the sikluli dlls cannot be found.  Clearly my path statement and 
all that are setup correctly because if I use the jnlp it works just fine.  

This is my jnlp:
<jnlp spec="1.0+" 
Agent for CMF-TL50W71</title><vendor>Jenkins project</vendor><homepage 

This is my batch file to start the headless agent:
"%JAVA_HOME%\bin\java.exe" -Dhudson.util.ProcessTreeKiller.disable=true 
-jar C:\Jenkins\slave.jar -jnlpUrl 
-secret 24cb861434e134376984c8c8d72bedf85c9f981581a170675cfe9b1a51194fdd

JAVA_HOME is pointing to the jdk1.7.0_45 directory

The jnlp is associated with the javaws from the jdk bin folder as well.

Thoughts?  Something must be different in how java is processing these 2 
for it to not be able to find the dlls properly.  I have tried many things 
including adding the sikuli libs folder as a -Djava.library.path= in my 
batch file, still doesnt work.  Thanks for the help.

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