
  When Jenkins tries to generate the *Performance Trends* graphs there 
launches several exceptions always with root cause: 
Could not initialize class org.jfree.chart.JFreeChart*"

  This is what I did:

   - desployed Jenkins , tried with v1.532.2 (stable) and v1.539-SNAPSHOT
      - didn't configured security
      - just set paths to my JDK (oracle's jdk1.7.0_51), MAVEN (3.1.1) and 
      GIT (
      - enabled these plugins:
      Checkstyle v3.39
      Jenkins Cobertura v1.9.3
      FindBugs v4.51
      Warnings v4.39
      PMD v3.38
      *Performance v.1.10*
      - Jenkins Git client v1.6.2
      - Jenkins Git 2.0.1
  Then I created a project which successfully creates a JMeter report file 
from my Java webapp using the plugin *jmeter-maven-plugin v1.9.0*, but 
there doesn't appear the Performance Trend graphs on the project's page. 
Jenkins gathers the results, it can show me the values, but can't show me 
the graphs. There launches several Exceptions always with root cause: 
Could not initialize class org.jfree.chart.JFreeChart*" . Here you will 
find a complete StackTrace: http://pastebin.com/uhiNR7XD
  Can you help me, please?
  Thanks in advance!

/ Angel

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