On Fri, Feb 21, 2014 at 9:14 AM, phil swenson <phil.swen...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi, we have a large number of jenkins jobs and would like to automate and
> version control their configuration.
> From what I can tell, most people just manually config their jobs via the
> UI.  Unless there are only a few very simple jobs, this leads to an
> unmanageable mess.
> I think the jobs should be coded in a DRY fashion, version controlled, and
> deployed via a scripted system.
> Here are the approaches I am aware of:
> 1) scripting via command line (jenkins cli)
> 2) scripting via the rest web services
> 3) chef cookbook http://community.opscode.com/cookbooks/jenkins
> What are most people doing?
> Any recommendations?

Our jobs usually amount to polling an SCM location and running a build
or ant script found there and archiving the results from some standard
locations, so there's not much complexity in the jenkins job itself.
So, we just do nightly backups of the jenkins master with a program
called backuppc which has efficient on-line storage and a nice
interface to access any individual files or directories, and new jobs
are created in the GUI as copies of existing similar jobs and editing
the SCM target.

   Les Mikesell

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