Jenkins 1.559 + Tomcat 7 + JDK 7 + Ubuntu 12.04LTS

This morning I came to work and finished configuring a new slave that I set
up on Friday.  When I tried building (Maven project) I kept getting these
errors when it tried running Maven 3.1.1:

Invalid tool ID 3.1.1

I thought it had to do with configuration with auto-installing the tools on
my new slave.

After some Googling, I found that the <JENKINS_HOME>/updates folder had the
files listing information on various tool versions, in particular,

However, when I inspected the content, there was ANT version information in
the file and not Maven version information.  After looking at all the other
files, I discovered that:

   - hudson.tasks.Maven.*MavenInstaller *contained *ANT *version information
   - hudson.tasks.Ant.*AntInstaller *contained *SonarRunner *version
   - hudson.plugins.sonar.*SonarRunnerInstaller *had *JDK *version
   -*JDKInstaller* had the same information as
   org.jenkinsci.plugins.scriptler.*CentralScriptJsonCatalog *

It's as if the file index got off by one and it wrote the content to the
wrong files.

I shut down Jenkins, removed the files then restarted and it seems to be
working again, but it was very frustrating.

Anyone else seen this or know what might have happened?

Jeff Vincent
See my LinkedIn profile at:

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