This is a bit of a rant, but I'm unclear why it matters which steps are
available as a build step vs. a post-build step.

I'm trying to create a simple job to grab debian packages archived from
various upstream "build" jobs and installing/configuring the debian
packages on a set of test servers as part of an "install" job.

The "Install job" sequence would be:

   1. Copy artifacts from previous jobs
   2. SCP them to the specified server(s)
   3. Run the installers via SSH
   4. Update configuration

However, I am unable to use the Jenkins plugins to do step 2 and 3 in the
proper order because the "Publish artifacts to SCP Repository" plugin
option is not available as a "build step" and "Execute shell script on
remote host using ssh" plugin as it's not available as a "post-build
action".  (chicken or egg paradox).

The motivation to use these plugins is to help manage the hosts/passwords
required to use SCP/SSH.

Thus, the question is ... why does Jenkins need to differentiate between a
build step and a post-build action?  Why not allow a mix of any type of
operation/step, regardless if it's type?

It seems job creation flexibility would be enhanced if all tasks could be
used, particularly for jobs that don't really do builds (in the traditional
sense) such as creating a "pipeline" of phases/steps (continuous delivery,
etc.) deploy-dev  --> functional test --> deploy-staging --> integration
test --> deliver release candidate.

Has there been consideration around allowing any step to be added in any

Jeff Vincent
See my LinkedIn profile at:

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